


Abortion :

INCIDENCE of abortion:

Spontaneous abortions 10% -20%

Induced abortions -10%

Causes Of 1st Trimester Abortions(first 3 months)

50% chromosomal abnormalities(Genetic) Genetic-Parental Karyotype 2%-5%
Endocrine(hormone) disorders( Luteal Phase defect, Thyroid ,Prolactin abnormalities and diabetes.
Immunological disorders (Ante phospholipids antibody syndrome.)

It starts in non pregnant period.

So give gap of 3-6 months

1) To evaluate the causes for abortion in both partners.test and treatment.

2) To prepare healthy sperm and egg.


Egg and sperm quality are low resulting in decreased fertility status,spontaneous missed abortions and congenital ano malies of fetus etc. Egg and sperm quality is affected by diet and activity.

IN Harvard Nurses’ Health Study, details of the diet and lifestyle among 18,000 women hoping to conceive, was closely monitored over 8 years. It was found a six-fold increase in fertility due to Low GI diet with vegetable protein, full fat dairy and monounsaturated fats, exercise and multivitamin mineral supplement.

Abortion Additionally

Body Weight

Obesity was linked with smaller (underdeveloped) and poorer quality eggs.(oocytes).
The positive news is that small amounts of weight loss (5-10%) may .dramatically improve ovulation and pregnancy rates.
Compared to women with a normal BMI, obese women live birth rates were significantly reduced (22%vs 15%).
A study followed 333 men from sub-fertile couples to conclude that there was an increased rate (on average 2.5 times) of sperm DNA damage in obese men.
Obese men were 3.5 times more likely to have a reduced sperm count.


This new science of epigenetics reveals that you are in fact an extension of your environment, which includes everything from your thoughts and belief systems, to toxic exposures and exposure to sunlight, exercise, and, of course, everything you choose to put onto and into your body. As Dr. Lipton is fond of saying, the new biology moves you out of victimhood and into Mastery—mastery over your own health

In a pregnant mother, three generations are directly exposed to the same environmental conditions at the same time. An epigenetic effect that continues into the 4th generation could be inherited and not due to direct exposure.

Researchers face the added challenge that epigenetic changes are transient by nature. That is, the epigenome changes more rapidly than the relatively fixed DNA code. An epigenetic change that was triggered by environmental conditions may be reversed when environmental conditions change again.

Three generations at once are exposed to the same environmental conditions (diet, toxins, hormones, etc.). In order to provide a convincing case for epigenetic inheritance, an epigenetic change must be observed in the 4th generation.

Implications for Evolution
The genome changes slowly, through the processes of random mutation and natural selection. It takes many generations for a genetic trait to become common in a population. The epigenome, on the other hand, can change rapidly in response to signals from the environment. And epigenetic changes can happen in many individuals at once. Through epigenetic inheritance, some of the experiences of the parents may pass to future generations. At the same time, the epigenome remains flexible as environmental conditions continue to change. Epigenetic inheritance may allow an organism to continually adjust its gene expression to fit its environment – without changing its DNA code.


How Anxiety Works?

Anxiety makes her expect pregnancy (in a negative way); that is by thinking “whether I will get pregnancy or periods? Will I get periods this month also” and checking for bleeding everytime we visit the toilet. As long as this attitude persists, conception is invariably delayed, leading to frustration ,negative belief (that pregnancy is difficult)and depression of the couple.
These couple don’t conceive when they are on treatment,because they keep expecting about pregnancy.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods Provide maximum nutrients, fibre, enzymes, antioxidants and taste

Protein are essential for body building and growth. Proteins are found in all cells in the body such as muscle, internal organs, hair and skin. Our body needs different types of proteins to maintain its regular and healthy functioning.

Animal protein: Meat, eggs and fish are sources of complete protein. Milk and milk-derived foods are also sources of good protein.

A good source of plant protein is often a combination of various foods, because different foods are rich in different amino acids. The three most common complementary protein combinations are Grains (rice, wheat, corn, barley, etc.) milk, legumes (peas, beans, lentils) seed.

Daily requirement of protein during pregnancy is about 60 grams and in lactation 65grams.

Increase healthy fats in the diet especially from sources like coconuts, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, butter, grass-fed meats, eggs, avocado and nuts

Necessary Carbohydrates from vegetables, some fruits and grains and legumes

Eat a lot of vegetables, especially green leafy varieties like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and similar veggies.

The biggest dietary factor that often contributes to infertility is lack of enough essential fats and proteins in the diet. Your body can’t make the hormones it needs without proteins and fats, and often this factor alone can prevent conception put more fiber rich foods .this is by far the most important step. Most of us these days are undernourished, despite being overweight. The body simply will not allow conception to occur or a pregnancy to continue if it doesn’t have the basic foundation it needs to sustain a pregnancy. Many women turn to a low-fat, high fiber diet in an attempt to increase health and lose weight. Weight loss has been shown to increase fertility, but losing weight in this way is rarely effective for increasing fertility because it deprives the body of the necessary proteins and fats necessary for hormone production.

To optimize fertility through nutrition:

For some women, these steps alone will optimize fertility and allow conception. It is very important to continue these things once pregnant, and not stop giving yourself proper nutrition, which is even more vital for the growth of an unborn child. Of course, pregnancy is not a license to revert to a bad dietStep


In women: Folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis, embryo transport, endometrial receptivity, endometrial angiogenesis, uterine blood flow and uterine myometrium.
In men: Men who smoke have a lower sperm count,motility and a higher proportion of malformed sperm.
Tobacco smoke
Children exposed to prenatal tobacco smoke may experience a wide range of behavioral, neurological, and physical difficulties. Adverse effects include stillbirth, placental disruption, prematurity, lower mean birth weight, physical birth defects (cleft palate etc.) decrements in lung function, increased risk of infant mortality.


Keep coffee as a treat for the weekends instead of a daily habit.
A study of 1,909 women in America found the risk of not conceiving for 12 months was 55% — 1 cup of coffee per day,

It was 100% — 1 1/2 to 3 cups

It was 176% — More than three cups per day

Coffee drinking before and during pregnancy was associated with over twice the risk of miscarriage when the mother consumed 2 to 3 cups of coffee per day.

When healthy men consumed more than 3 cups of coffee per day, the damage to sperm DNA was increased by up to 20% compared to non-coffee drinkers. DNA damage can lead to chromosomal abnormalities and gene mutations after fertilization, increasing the risks of developmental defects and genetic diseases among offspring.


Additives ,preservative,coloring,flavoring agent



Foods of animal origin

Foods that have been barbecued, broiled, fried, grilled, or otherwise cooked at high


Foods that have been browned or burned


Hydrogenated vegetable oils



Chemical Factors

Air pollutants such as asbestos, benzene, carbon monoxide, chlorine, formaldehyde, ozone, tobacco smoke, and toluene
Chemical solvents such as cleaning products, glue, paints, and paint thinners
Perfumes hair dyes, chemical household cleaners, nail polish remover, garden sprays, and paint fumes.


The recommendation was made that couples abstain from alcohol consumption at least one month before the attempt.for conception.
And one week prior to conception to decrease the rate of miscarriage.

Lap tops and Male fertility

Men sitting with their legs together and working on a laptop computer can rise the temperature by up to 2.8 degrees C

Table Salt

Inorganic sodium causes the body to retain fluid. High intake of this substance thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the risks of strokes, and cardiac failure. It accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration. Sodium chloride draws calcium from your bones.

White Flour Products:

All the good substances (bran and germ) is removed from flour during processing.
White flour makes your blood sugar rise more than refined sugar.
Intestinal infections are a direct outcome of white flour consumption
Good quality fresh food is always the best source of nutrition

Lifestyle Factors

Habits like smoking, drug use, and high caffeine intake can severely impair fertility. There are many other lifestyle factors that contribute as well:

Exposure to toxins
Lack of exercise or too much exercise
High stress levels
Lack of sleep
Certain medications or supplements
Most lifestyle factors are also easy to fix with a little effort. The most common lifestyle factors that can increase fertility are:

Getting enough sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in production of many hormones. Studies have shown that women with low melatonin and serotonin levels have a shorter luteal pahse (time between ovulation and menstruation) and consequently have a lower chance of conceiving. Lack of sleep also impairs the body’s ability to properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol and insulin, making conception very difficult. Make sleep a priority and get enough to feel rested, not just awake. This may mean taking a nap during the day or going to bed a few hours earlier. A completely dark sleep environment may also help melatonin levels and sleep.

Minimize exposure to toxins: This should be a book in itself, but most women notice improvement from limiting exposure to household chemicals, plastic water bottles and conventional cosmetic and beauty products.

Recommended exercise for women trying to conceive:

Brisk walking, 5 times a week, for 30 minutes to 1 hour
1 hour sessions of yoga
Limit Stress
Check with your doctor to see if any medications you are taking could impair fertility. Steroids and antidepressants have been known to do so, as well as any other hormone containing or affecting medications.

Refined sugar

Refined Sugar is lethal for human consumption because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals, rendering it “empty”causes the development of a condition called insulin resistance. Obesity, type-II diabetes, polycystic ovary disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and hormone related cancers.

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