

Anaemia is a common problem found not only in pregnant women but even among women of all ages and in all walks of life. This condition can be particularly concerning for women trying to conceive, as maintaining adequate iron levels is essential for reproductive health and a successful pregnancy. Understanding the causes, effects, and management of anemia is crucial for those on their journey to motherhood.


1) Decreased intake:
a) Lack of proper diet
b) Consumption of junk food
c) Worm infestation
d) Mal-absorption of nutrients.

2) Excessive blood loss:
a) Heavy blood loss during menstruation
b) Haemorrhoids (bleeding piles)
Pregnancy demands more iron intake and it is recommended that pregnant women should consume iron tablets, along with iron and protein-rich foods.


Heme-Iron: Red meat, Egg, Fish
Non-heme Iron: Green leafy vegetables, spinach, beans, peas, carrot, beetroot, tomato, broccoli Lentils.
Fruits: Strawberry, Apple, Pear, Peach, Plum
Iron-boosting fruits: Citrus, melons, guava
Dry fruits: Dates, figs, raisins, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds
Jaggery uses iron utensils for cooking.
Food items enhancing iron absorption:
Vitamin C, (citrus fruits), meat, chicken, fish. Vitamin C in the form of lemon can be sprinkled over curries which will help in better absorption of iron in our body.

Food items inhibiting iron absorption:
Phytates (bran, wheat flour, oats)
Polyphenols (tea, coffee, and cocoa)
Calcium (milk and other dairy products, calcium tablets)
We should avoid taking calcium tablets or milk or tea along with iron tablet because calcium prevents absorption of iron in our body.
When the doctor recommends taking iron tablets during pregnancy, note that it will blacken the stool color and sometimes may cause vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.
Iron tablets should be consumed 2 hours after food or an hour before food for better absorption.
DOSE: 30-60mg elemental Iron
Pregnant mothers should check hemoglobin levels once in 2 months to ensure they don’t become anemic.
SEVERE ANAEMIA: Less than 7gm%

Anemia in pregnancy


Anaemia causes problems for both mother and baby.

ON MOTHER: Severe anemia may lead to heart failure. Less severe anaemia makes her vulnerable for infections, premature labor, postpartum haemorrhage and puerperal sepsis.
ON BABY: It causes low birth weight and premature birth.
Iron absorption varies differently for different people. Iron absorption is also dependent on emotions.
Let me share interesting incidents about the role of emotions on iron absorption and anaemia.

Lakshmi came to me for a checkup from the beginning of her 6th month. That was her first baby. Her hemoglobin level then was 9 grams and I put her on iron tablets and recommended her to consume a rich diet.

When she came the next month, there was no improvement in her hemoglobin levels and she became anxious. She said she was taking iron tablets regularly and a rich diet and was worried as her hemoglobin levels were not improving. I changed the iron tablet and asked her to take it 2 hours after food and told her that hemoglobin levels would improve next month.

Around the same time, another mother called Bujamma from a nearby village was also coming for an antenatal check. She was married for 10 years and conceived after taking fertility treatment with us. Her hemoglobin then was 7.6 grams during her 6th month. I told her to take medicines regularly, gave instructions about diet, and warned her about the consequences of anemia. No sooner did I finish my sermon, than she said in a confident tone, “Amma I cannot take any of the food items you told, I can only take one glass of milk every day. You give medicines with your own hands, I will take the tablets every day and I am sure my blood will certainly improve”. I was taken aback by her audacity. When she came after 2 months, her hemoglobin touched 10 grams and I realized the power of faith.

Coming back of first patient Lakshmi, came the next month and her hemoglobin was again 9 grams. It was not improving. This time her mother-in-law also came with her and she was more anxious and asked me what was the next course of action. She asked me whether a blood transfusion was necessary. I told her that we would go for injectable iron and her mother-in-law was repeatedly asking about blood transfusion. Then I asked her why she was keen on a blood transfusion. She said her eldest daughter-in-law had a blood transfusion during her pregnancy a few years ago and she worried that Lakshmi too would require that. Her worry was unconsciously passed on to Lakshmi which prevented her hemoglobin from rising, despite her regular consumption of medicine and foods. When I cleared her mother-in-law’s doubt, Lakshmi’s hemoglobin rose to 10 grams in the next month.

Trust is so powerful that it can make the treatment successful. Anxiety is contagious and can easily pass on from a person of authority, esteem, and intimacy. Anxiety prevents the success of treatment and when it is removed, treatment becomes successful.

Let all expectant mothers become healthy, not anemic, and have a successful breastfeeding experience and normal delivery, bringing healthy children into the world.

For more information regarding normal delivery, you can go through our book “TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB – GARBHA VIDYA” which is available in different languages on our website

The aim of this book is to allay the anxiety and fear of the pregnant mother and to aim at bringing a great personality onto this earth by virtue of her thoughts and talking to the baby in the womb.

Let us try to bring in a society, just by passing this information to every pregnant mother such that in the time to come, we may have an evolved and peaceful society.

You can also go through our videos on 

YouTube: ANDAL FERTILITY CHANNEL where most of the videos have English subtitles. 

Click on this link for videos

For online consultation contact 9440278177, 9908854316

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