


The complicated interactions between different physiological systems and psychological variables are included in the functional aspects of infertility. Similar to physiological processes like digestion, conception requires both executive and regulating abilities.

The process of conception is a natural function like digestion and other metabolic activities. It has two functional aspects. The Executive function of ovaries, tubes, and uterus. They work together resulting in conception. The controlling function is from the hypothalamus, the seat of emotions which releases hormones GnRH that activates the pituitary to secrete FSH & LH which inter trigger ovary to produce estrogen and progesterone acting on the uterine lining making it a bed for the implantation of the embryo. So the thoughts, beliefs, and emotional impact of infertility influence the hypothalamus to help or prevent conception through hormonal imbalance.

These have been considerable changes in the thinking of society. Earlier when doctors used to tell them everything was fine and they would conceive, people used to accept it. Nowadays they want an explanation of why this problem has occurred and what is the cause of it. Some of them are upset when a problem is detected and they feel that’s the end of it and it’s difficult to come out of it even with treatment.

The case of irregular periods which is associated with polycystic ovaries in 2/3 of cases, is a medical enigma. It is difficult to treat and is becoming more prevalent and it starts from adolescents and youth. In 40% it is associated with obesity. Sometimes the irregular periods start from menarche and in others follow a cause (History of illness, treatment, weight gain or weight loss, change in diet, activity, journey, social events, emotional, stress, etc)

Sometimes it is associated with hormonal imbalances like thyroid, prolactin abnormalities, more androgen levels (testosterone ↑) more insulin levels in obesity, and cholesterol or some genetic etiology is noted.

In obese women, 5-7% weight reduction helps in changing the cycle to regular periods. Lifestyle change in the form of diet and exercise helps in clearing PCO along with drugs.

From the prospective mother’s point of view apart from the change seen in the follicular study and HSG, the subjective change of regular periods and change in premenstrual symptoms and menstrual flow and menstrual date give a lot of confidence, because this subjective change is evidence of improvement of reproductive function. So that they can conceive easily and accept and believe it.

To bring about these changes apart from drugs, specific diet, and exercise play a major role.

Once Premenstrual and menstrual are corrected the premenstrual perceives this subject change as an increase in the functioning of her reproductive system. This gives her confidence that she can conceive and carry and get a very good child.

They need to know and discuss Tests and treatments and should also know the executive functions are in their hands. If they follow proper diet and exercise with interest, the change comes easily and quickly in 3 months.

When they do it mechanically the improvement of function takes a long time sometimes even after 1 year there is no improvement.

1) The husband encourages & monitors her activity regularly.

2) Both of them do it together

3) By appreciating her for improvements


It gives mental relaxation and improves concentration
It keeps the body healthy by increasing blood flow and oxygenation to all organs.
It improves appetite

  • Proper assimilation of food
  • Rejuvenating endocrine organs
  • Energizing function of the brain, heart, nerves and different organs
    Distributing vital force throughout the body.
breathing exercise infertility


Lowers O2 consumption, decreases the respiratory rate increases blood flow, and slows the heart rate.

Leeds to deeper levels of relaxation, bring high Blood pressure to normal. Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering levels of blood lactate. Decreases muscle tension and headache. Builds self-confidence

It increases serotonin production (influence) impressing mood and behavior.

Helps with chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis, etc.

Reduces premenstrual syndrome

Helps in post-operative healing.

Enhances the immune system and increases natural killers that kill bacteria and cancer cells

We are practicing Heatfulness Meditation and we are seeing so many positive results.

infertility mentor


When the husband or elders act as a mentor and supervise their diet and exercise activities and encourage them they feel happy and more confident. This is one way of improving the interpersonal relationship between the couple. We have seen in results with irregular periods becoming regular, semen analysis increases in count and motility, and earlier conception. Once premenstrual and menstrual symptoms are corrected the prospective mother perceives these subjective changes as an improvement in the functioning of her reproductive system. This gives her confidence that she can conceive and carry and beget a good child.


Wrapping up, the complexity of infertility has not only physiological but also psychological content that demonstrates the functional aspects of infertility. The unique combination of activities performed by the reproductive system and hypothalamus shows the importance of considering holistic approaches for fertility management. Furthermore, the general tendency to derive trustworthy explanations and to take charge of one’s health signifies the growing comprehension of infertility. Lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and stress management are key in the whole process of improving reproductive health. Moreover, partners or mentorship provides important support in the patient compliance to the therapeutic process, thus improving not only the physical health but also psycho-social well-being and social interactions as well.

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Tamil language: GARBHA VIDYA


1. How do lifestyle changes like diet and exercise contribute to improving fertility?

Ans: A balanced diet and regular physical activities are examples of lifestyle changes that help in improving hormonal balance, and reproductive function and reduce the negative impact of conditions like obesity and insulin resistance, which are known to negatively affect fertility.

2. Can psychological factors such as stress affect infertility, and if so, how?

Ans: Yes, of course, dreadful aspects like stress can inflict infertility by disrupting the processes of the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and hormonal balance which all are involved in conception. Besides that, stress can also induce harmful behaviors like smoking or binge drinking that have more chances to diminish fertility levels in the end.

3. What role does partner support or mentorship play in enhancing fertility treatment outcomes?

Ans: Through emotional support, adherence to treatment plans, and shared duty of accomplishing the goals of conception, partner support or mentorship can dramatically enhance the outcomes of fertility treatments. Additionally, a mentor or a supportive spouse can help with stress relief, coping mechanisms improvement, and emotional well-being—things that eventually lead to improved fertility.

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