
Pregnancy Heartfulness Meditation and Breast Feeding

Pregnancy Heartfulness Meditation:

Pregnancy is a significant and transformative period both physically as well as emotionally. Heartfulness meditation during pregnancy could be an empowering practice that can help you to increase your overall wellbeing, cope with the stress of being pregnant and establish a deep connection even before your baby is born.

Pregnancy Heartfulness Meditation

Guided Heartfulness Meditation:

Find a Quiet Space: Pick an area that is comfortable and quiet, where no-one would bother you.

Sit Comfortably: Sit relaxed but alert. You may use cushions for support.

Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes and direct to the breath. Take slow, deep breaths.

Connect with Your Heart: Imagine a warm and soothing light in the center of your chest chakra, which represents your heart.

Radiate Love: As you breathe out, release any tension or strain.

Bond with Your Baby: Make this love for your baby to continue growing. “Imagine a tender link between your heart and the presence of baby.

Gratitude and Affirmations: Express gratitude for this invaluable life within you. Affirm positively regarding a healthy pregnancy and birth.

Stay Present: Be here now, enjoy this connection and the shared energy between you two .

Conclude Mindfully: Bring your awareness gradually back to the environment around you. Open your eyes when ready.

Heartfulness meditation: if regularly performed during pregnancy can lead to a calmer mind benefiting from minimized anxiety levels and strengthened bond with the unborn child.


Benefits of breast feeding to the baby

Short term uses :

  • Milk – perfect nutrients : Proteins, fats, lactose, vitamins, (vitamin D, A, C, E) iron , minerals, water and enzymes.
  • Breast milk contains iron, vitamins more than cows milk.
  • Breast milk is clean and it has Anti – infective properties
  • Breast milk is easily digestible

Long term uses :

  • Breast feeding enhances brain development ,improves I.Q for the baby
  • Breast fed babies are less prone to have respiratory infections, diarrhea, SIDs and childhood leukemia
  • Breast fed babies are less prone to have obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, eczema, asthma and other allergic disorders later in life

Benefits to the mother

  • Reduces the post delivery bleeding & Anemia
  • Protective effect Ovarian &breast cancer
  • Helps delay next pregnancy
Benefits of breastfeeding

Colostrum importance :

  • It has more protein, vitamins A and K.
  • It provides resistance to the baby against various infections and diseases.
  • Colostrm also has a mild gut clearing effect, 0f meconium.
  • Clears physiological jaundice

Mature milk :

Mature milk is thin and watery . It has less proteins and is high in sugars and fats.

The mature milk consists of

1. Fore milk

2. Hind milk

Fore milk :

  • Fore Milk comes from the start of the feed , which is watery and bluish in color.
  • Fore milk satisfies the babies thirst.

Hind milk :

Hind milk is the milk which comes later in a feed is richer in fat , gives energy and decreases the hunger

Diet for breastfeeding during pregnancy

  • The need to eat a balanced diet containing food from all food groups through out pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Energy giving food : Cereals and their products, starchy roots, tubers, sugars and those rich fats like nuts, fats, and oils.
  • Body building foods : Animal origin like milk and milk products, eggs, meat, fish, poultry and plant protein , food like pulses, legumes, nuts and oilseeds.
  • Green leafy vegetables (carrot, beetroot) and Bottle gourd& drumstick

Good body positioning for breast feeding

  1. Baby’s neck is straight or bent slightly back
  2. Body is turned towards mother
  3. Body is close to mother
  4. Whole body is supported.
  5. There is eye contact between mother and baby

Poor positioning for breast feeding

  1. Baby’s neck is twisted or bent forward
  2. His body is turned away from you
  3. His body is not close to you
  4. Only his head and neck are supported
  5. There is no eye contact between us and the baby
  6. The baby should be fed on demand with at least more than 8 feeds in 24 hours.
  7. Initially the demands are very frequent but by 1-2 weeks thefrequency decreases.

Factors affecting Breast feeding

  1. If the first breast feed is delayed, it is more difficult to establish a good milk flow , which may affect the amount of milk produce later.
  2. Infrequent breast feeding leads to less milk production due to less Prolactin.
  3. When baby is poorly attached breast milk is not effectively transferred and it may seem that milk is not enough.

Preparing for Breastfeeding:

Educate Yourself: Attend breastfeeding classes so as to understand the basics and methodology.

Create a Comfortable Space: Create a comfortable and quiet place for breastfeeding.

Invest in Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that will facilitate easy breastfeeding.

Use Supportive Pillows: Support your back and arms with pillows so that feeding is a comfortable position.

Breastfeeding Techniques:

Proper Latch: Make sure the baby is latched on properly to avoid discomfort and proper milk transmission.

Frequent Feeding: Nursing should be available whenever, as frequent feeding ensures the baby is well fed with milk.

Switching Sides: Feed from alternate breasts to ensure even milk production.

Self-Care for Breastfeeding Mothers

Stay Hydrated: Make sure you drink a lot of water so that your body remains hydrated.

Balanced Diet: Eat well for you and your baby to grow.

Rest: Rest well; sleep is good for overall health.

Seeking Support:

Consult a Lactation Consultant:

Consult a professional lactation specialist if everything does not work out.

Connect with Other Mothers:

Joining support groups or forums where mothers who have breastfeed can share experiences is encouraged.

Heartfulness meditation practice during pregnancy and mindful breastfeeding approaches will support the feeling of positive nurturing motherhood. As a rule, you should ask healthcare specialists about particular advises in the course of your pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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