
Challenges Faced by Women During Pregnancy:Understanding the Journey to Motherhood

Introduction: Challenges Faced by Women During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is a wonderful journey that is full of hope and excitement, but it also has its share of difficulties. Challenges Faced by Women During Pregnancy Expectant moms frequently endure a variety of discomforts that might affect their health, such as back pain and heartburn etc. A smooth and successful pregnancy requires knowledge of these obstacles and good coping mechanisms. In this blog, we’ll look at some typical issues that pregnant women deal with and talk about feasible remedies to make the experience more pleasant and joyful.  Here are the following challenges faced by women during pregnancy as follows:


It is a common problem during pregnancy

a) Relaxation of the lower Esophageal Sphincter – (LES) in a lying position and after a heavy meal.

b) The growing uterus presses on the stomach

Control Measures:

  • Avoid heartburn–trigger foods, highly seasoned spicy foods, fatty foods, citrus, caffeine, and alcohol.
  • Break it up: Six small meals are the solution to heartburn, bloating, and lagging energy levels.
  • Rituals of eating: Sit upright while eating – stay that way for a couple of hours after you eat.
  • Chew it over Chewing is the first step in the digestive process. When we eat fast, we swallow air – forming gas pockets in the belly.
  • Do not drink too much water while you are eating – that will distend the stomach aggravating heartburn.
  • Take a meal at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Lying down, slouching, slumping and stooping will increase it.
  • And when you have to bend, do it with your knees instead of at your waist
  • Prop with pillows: Try sleeping with your head elevated about six inches.
  • Loose and comfortable clothes: wear loose clothes.
  • Tight clothes aggravate it.


  • Chew sugarless gum after meals: It helps reduce excess acid.
  • A tablespoon of honey in warm milk (low-fat skim milk) can be yummy and relaxing
  • Medicines: Antacids, PPI, h2 receptor blockers

LEG CRAMPS DURING PREGNANCY – Third trimester, late-night. Every woman has this problem during pregnancy


  • Muscle strain due to the increasing weight of the baby, progesterone, affects the muscle tone in the legs.
  • Uterus putting pressure on the vein from the legs.
  • Nutrients and salts, such as calcium or magnesium deficiency.

How to prevent Leg cramps:

  • Calf stretches: Stand a meter from a wall and lean forward with arms outstretched to touch the wall. Keep the soles of your feet flat on this floor. Hold for five seconds. Repeat it
  • Exercise for five minutes, three times a day, especially before going to bed.
  • Daily foot exercises: Bend and stretch each foot up and down 30 times. Then rotate each foot eight times one way and eight times the other way.
  • Try not to stand for long periods or sit with your legs crossed.
  • At night-time have a warm bath before going to bed.
  • Calcium and magnesium supplement.
Leg cramp during pregnancy

What to do during leg cramps?

  • Flex your foot (extend your heel and point your toes toward your head) it may hurt at first, but the pain will gradually go away.
  • Massage the muscle.
  • Get out of bed and walk around for a few minutes


  • Hormones – Hormones released during pregnancy allow ligaments in the pelvic area to soften and the joints to become looser which may affect the support of the back normally experienced.
  • Additional weight of pregnancy
  • Center of gravity – which causes our posture to change
  • Posture or position – Poor posture, excessive standing, and bending can trigger or escalate the pain you experience in your back.
Back pain During Pregnancy

How can we prevent or minimize back pain during pregnancy?

  • Avoid high heels and other shoes that do not provide adequate support.
  • Squat to pick up something instead of bending over.
  • Avoid sleeping on the back. Sleep on the side, and use a support pillow under your knees.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Exercises approved by health care provider.
  • Consider consulting an orthopaedician.

Postures and exercises to prevent back pain – Cat Cow Exercise


Sleep hygiene is defined as behaviors that one can do to help promote good sleep using behavioral interventions.
Sleep hygiene tips:
Maintain a regular sleep routine: Go to bed at the same time. Wake up at the same time.
Avoid or minimize coffee, tea, soda, cigarettes, and alcohol, its best to limit coffee to early afternoon at the latest.
Exercise regularly: Stop exercise four hours before sleep.

Sleep Sanctuary:

  • Don’t watch TV or radio in bed.
  • Watching TV or reading in bed, associate the bed with wakefulness; the bed is reserved for sleep.
  • Turn off the TV, laptop, cell phone one hour before sleep. It suppress melatonin (sleep hormone) causing delay in sleep.
  • Have a quiet, comfortable bedroom. A little cooler and dark. Turn off bright lights.
  • Have a comfortable mattress
  • A comfortable pre-bedtime routine
  • A warm bath, shower
  • Have a light snack – warm milk with honey, banana, walnuts, almond, peanut, cherry juice etc.,
  • Meditation, or quiet time visualization, deep breathing, yoga, swing, chanting, soothing music etc.,
  • Shoulder massage, and gentle head massage.
  • Daytime sleep may be allowed for twenty to thirty minutes between about sleep disturbance.
Sleep during pregnancy


Journeys are safe in uncomplicated pregnancy. In general, long journeys are best avoided in the first and third trimesters. Expecting mothers are advised not to undertake the journey when they have.

  1. Twins, polyhydramnios (Excess amniotic fluid), and history of previous miscarriages.
  2. With complaints of pain abdomen, bleeding per vagina, excess white discharge, urine infection, etc.,
  3. Before undertaking long journeys, one must take the doctor’s advice. In my experience, the fear and doubt instilled by others about journeys cause more harm. I have seen mothers take precautions, travel with conviction and confidence, and don’t face any problems.


Normal white discharge is thin and milky with a mild smell; it is harmless. White discharge due to infection causes discomfort like foul smell and itching; it may be yellow, greenish, or curdy white. Some infections may lead to miscarriage or premature labor. It must be treated.

Challenges Faced by Women During Pregnancy is the White discharge. White discharge of labour (delivery) will be jelly-like, and maybe blood-stained. This white discharge indicates the opening of the cervix. It may be associated with back pain, tightness of the abdomen, and pressure in the lower abdomen or pelvis. Any white discharge excess in quantity or associated with other symptoms must be seen by a gynecologist as early as possible.


Bleeding during any time of the pregnancy is abnormal. Seeking immediate medical care is mandatory for maternal and fetal well-being.

First and second trimester: Causes of bleeding are sub-chorionic hematoma, cervical polyp, and threatened miscarriage.

Precipitating factors – Physical stain, sexual contact, journey, urinary infections, infective white discharge, spicy food, etc.

Third trimester: APH – Antepartum Haemorrhage and labor (delivery)

So, pregnant women must seek medical help and advice whenever there is bleeding, the major challenges faced by women during pregnancy.


Fever is an ominous symptom and untreated fever can be detrimental to both the baby and the mother. Emergency medical care is a must, to avoid complications for the baby.

Effect of fever on the baby: In the first trimester missed abortion, and congenital malformation may occur. In the 9th month Oligohydramnios (decreased amniotic fluid), meconium aspiration, risk to life, etc may occur.

Bleeding, leaking, excess white discharge, fever, and pain in the abdomen are notorious symptoms faced during pregnancy. Hence expecting mothers should not hesitate to report to the treating doctor as early as possible for evaluation and treatment.

Please keep in mind that the dietary needs of every pregnant woman are different, therefore you need to seek the advice of a healthcare provider or a registered dietician to suggest what is best for you. While taking nutrition and eating a wide of nutritional foods, you can start a healthy pregnancy and give a healthy start to your baby’s life.


Leaking of amniotic fluid during any time of pregnancy calls for immediate medical attention. Leaking in the seventh or the eighth month is definitely a cause for concern, as it leads to premature labor and infection. Leaking in the 9th month helps with the initiation or augmentation of delivery. Leaking that occurs before the onset of labor pains requires induction of labor. Leaking that occurs after the onset of labor helps in the hastening of delivery.

Hence, an expectant mother must be on the alert. She should be able to differentiate leaking from excessive white discharge and urine. When in doubt, it is better to see the doctor. A common challenge faced during pregnancy.


Usually, the time of delivery is determined by the baby.

  1. The baby communicates to the mother’s uterus when it is ready to take birth by sending signals in the form of hormones. This initiates labor. The delivery time varies from person to person. It may also vary in each delivery for the same mother.
  2. The baby is said to be mature by thirty seven weeks i.e. two weeks from the beginning of the 9th month. The baby will then be able to survive on its own. Towards the end of the 9th month, the placental blood flow decreases, resulting in a decrease in amniotic fluid leading to an unfavorable atmosphere for the baby in the womb. In that situation, it’s better the baby is delivered.
  3. If the baby continues in an unfavorable atmosphere it passes motion (meconium) and when meconium is aspirated, it causes problems for the baby. This possibility is high in post-term pregnancy (after completion of the 9th month).

Therefore, it is better to have frequent check-ups (weekly once) in the 9th month and visit the doctor when there is a decrease in fetal movement, pain in the abdomen, bleeding, or leaking. Depending on the state of the cervix, maturity, and well-being of the baby, the doctor will decide whether to wait for spontaneous labor or induce it. It is alright for the baby to be delivered any time after the thirty-seventh week.


It is not always easy to cope with all the emotional Challenges Faced by Women During Pregnancy; luckily, with the right knowledge and support, women can succeed against any odds. At the same time, moms who are waiting for their babies can get rid of symptoms of discomfort and live a more comfortable pregnancy by practicing simple methods like eating a balanced diet, exercising and see a doctor whenever necessary. Recall the fact that every pregnancy is unique so it is vital to impart mindfulness to yourself and your body while you are giving a life through your body.

For more details, you can go through my book called “TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB – GARBHA VIDYA”. This book is available on the Amazon website in English, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil languages.

Please keep in mind that the dietary needs of every pregnant woman are different, therefore you need to seek the advice of a healthcare provider or a registered dietician to suggest what is best for you. While taking nutrition and eating a wide of nutritional foods, you can start a healthy pregnancy and give a healthy start to your baby’s life.

For more details, you can go through my book called “TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB – GARBHA VIDYA”. This book is available on the Amazon website in English, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil languages.

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