Recurrent Abortions from Infertility Specialist
Understanding Recurrent Abortions
Recurrent first trimester (first three months) abortions are a tough problem to handle. As an infertility specialist, I learned valuable insight and lessons from Sujana’s case. Later developed it and it was easy to treat such cases. Sujana had 4 first trimester abortions and came to me in the nonpregnant period. I did all the investigations and discussed the case with the eminent professors of CMC, Bangalore, and Hyderabad during a conference. I asked them one question “Can she deliver a normal child, are there any more tests or any specific treatment?” They all said no more tests to be done and routine treatment for such cases would do (Hormones, vitamin, folic acid, aspirin, etc). They said we cannot guarantee a live child, but we can be optimistic because there is no specific cause. So with their reassurance, I told her, maybe next time it would be fine and to go ahead with conception. When she became pregnant, her mother-in-law used to accompany her. She was very caring and supportive. She gave Sujana complete bed rest at home and brought her for weekly injections. During previous pregnancies, by 8 weeks Sujana used to have missed abortion (that means fetal heart would stop by 8 weeks). So i asked them to take injections at home. But her mother-in-law insisted that they would take injections in the hospital only.
I was nervous about how would be the growth this time. The same anxiety I could see in Sujana and her mother-in-law, but we never talked about it. At 6 weeks, scan showed heartbeat was ok, so I was a bit relieved but anxiously waiting for the 8th week. An 8th-week scan showed once again missed recurrent abortion. I was very much depressed. Later I called the family and told in spite of taking so much of care why it happened I could not explain. I was not in a position to suggest precautions for future pregnancy. So I asked them to go to a higher center in bigger city for further opinion and treatment.
After six months Sujata’s husband came and told she had conceived and wanted to bring her to the hospital. Once again I told him to take her to a higher center to have a live child.

After two and half months, Sujata had come for check-up. I asked them to come with the scan report. Till she came from scan I was debating within myself how would be the scan report this time. If it would be missed abortion this time how I would console her. I had instructed the receptionist to send me the scan report only first and not Sujana. When they brought in the scan report I was totally taken aback. It was an weeks live fetus. Third-month baby with a good heartbeat! I immediately called her inside and asked what treatment she took and where. She smiled at me and said she didn’t take treatment anywhere and narrated the story.
Soon after her last abortion, her father-in-law fell ill and gradually became bedridden. She and her mother-in-law were only looking after him day and night and also taking care of the guests who came to see him. So Sujana was physically and mentally taxed. It was at that time they realized that she had conceived. They thought she could not be given bed rest. So they decided not to take treatment and let it go for abortion. So Sujana was least worried about pregnancy, doing all their work without taking any medicine and was awake till late night. When the father-in-law passed away and all the ceremonies were over, they decided to come to the hospital. They also expected it to be a missed abortion (without a heartbeat) because there was no treatment and there was continuous hard work without rest. They were also equally surprised to see a live fetus. Then she had an uneventful pregnancy and delivered a girl baby and later a boy.
It dawned on me that anxiety of whether fetus would grow or not was the reason that made the growth stop in spite of giving all treatment and taking rest in a previous pregnancy. When there was no expectation and no anxiety about growth, it grew very well proving the truth that it is the natural function of the body and the most important requirement is absence of negative thoughts.
When there is no attention is given, it grows normally as in the general population. When there is anxiety, stress hormones are released hindering growth. When there is happiness or positive attitude growth is smooth and usually pregnancy is without any complication.
This revelation empowered me as an infertility specialist to manage first-trimester abortions with more confidence. I now mentally prepare and reassure expecting mothers along with providing appropriate treatment, helping them carry healthy children to term.
You can also go through our videos on YouTube: ANDAL FERTILITY CHANNEL where most of the videos have English subtitles. Click on this link for videos
For online consultation contact 9440278177, 9908854316
For more information regarding normal delivery, you can go through our book “TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB – GARBHA VIDYA” which is available in different languages on our website and on Amazon.
The aim of this book is to allay the anxiety and fear of the pregnant mother and to aim at bringing a great personality onto this earth by virtue of her thoughts and talking to the baby in the womb.
Let us try to bring in a society, just by passing this information to every pregnant mother such that in the time to come, we may have an evolved and peaceful society.