

Pregnancy Care

Despite advancements in medical science, many expecting mothers experience worry and anxiety during pregnancy. We aim to explore the holistic aspects of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care, integrating traditional wisdom with modern knowledge for a positive and empowering journey to motherhood.

Section 1: Empowering Pregnancy through Knowledge and Emotional Well-being

“Talk to Baby” Approach:

  • Fostering emotional well-being through communication with the baby in the womb.
  • Molding the baby’s personality through positive and comforting thoughts.
Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy:
  • Providing information on maintaining a balanced diet and suitable exercises for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Emphasizing the importance of knowledge, understanding, and application in achieving positive results.

Section 2: Exploring the Enigma of Normal Delivery

Past vs. Present: The Evolution of Delivery Practices:
  • Questioning the shift from easy home deliveries in the past to the current medical practices.
  • Unpacking the factors influencing normal delivery in historical contexts and those hindering it today.
Requirements for Normal Delivery:
  • Average baby weight, halfway head descent, and a favorable cervix as crucial factors.
  • Discussing how the cervix reflects the mental state and the impact of emotions on the birthing process.

Section 3: Pregnancy Complications and the Importance of Antenatal Care

Natural Functions and Potential Complications:
  • Recognizing pregnancy and delivery as natural functions controlled by hormonal responses.
  • Acknowledging the potential life-threatening complications necessitating regular antenatal care.

Section 4: Solutions for a Positive Delivery Experience

Knowledge and Motivation:
  • Dispelling myths around labor pain and highlighting its natural, bearable nature.
  • Distinguishing between the pain itself and the fear associated with it.
Role of Husband During Pregnancy:
  • The supportive role of the husband in providing emotional reassurance and practical assistance.
  • Encouraging shared responsibilities and active involvement in discussions.
Best Hospital for Normal Delivery:
  • Criteria for selecting a hospital that supports and encourages normal deliveries.
  • Considerations such as experienced medical staff, facilities, and a positive birthing environment.
Reassurance at Home and Hospital:
  • Creating a supportive environment at home and maintaining open communication.
  • Addressing fears and concerns through reassurance during hospital visits.

Empowering expecting mothers involves a comprehensive approach, encompassing emotional well-being, knowledge, and support. By understanding the historical context of normal deliveries, addressing fears, and advocating for the role of knowledge and supportive environments, we can strive for a positive and fulfilling pregnancy experience.


When delivery had shifted from home to hospital, mothers started believing, they canot deliver by themselves. Its the doctor who has to do the delivery ,who is not patient enough these days.Mothers have to endure the pains which is unbearable; (as shown in movies). This fear of labour pain is implanted deeply in the minds of expecting mothers and this is not addressed and allayed. On the other hand elders often tell, My daughter cant bear pains. Such remarks undermine the confidence of the pregnant mother… In some of them, there is non acceptance of c-section, which leads to anxiety and worry that she ll land into c-section.


Knowledge, motivation about labour pain,acceptance of c-section and co-operation at home and hospital.


The intensity of labour pains and duration of labour is entirely dependant on the state of cervix. When the expected mother is relaxed and confident and happy the cervix is short and soft. Also when mother had done exercises cervix is favorable and stretch like a rubber band, which opens up easily there is less pressure and therefore less pain.
When mother is tense and apprehensive or has strong negative belief and had not done exercises cervix is unfavorable, long and firm like bottle neck.


Sphincters are circular muscle groups that usually remain contracted and closed during normal conditions and when required, expand, so that it can open comfortably and wide enough to allow (urine, motion or baby) whatever has to pass through it. The urinary and anal sphincters enable the bladder and rectum to function as reservoirs capable of holding their contents so that elimination takes place at appropriate and convenient intervals rather than continuously.
Sphincter functions most comfortably and smoothly in an atmosphere that is relaxed and free from discordant emotions.
For people from civilized societies and modern upbringing, despite strong urge, only when they have some measure of privacy or familiarity, sphincter muscles relax and allow elimination. Another interesting feature is, sphincters close very easily and can be very resistant to opening in unfamiliar, uncomfortable and insecure atmosphere . Most of us can recollect instances ,where we have easily controlled urine or motion in an uncongenial or unfamiliar atmosphere ,for however hard we may have tried we could not relieve it .They function(open) best in an atmosphere of intimacy and privacy and familiarity– for example, our own home or a bathroom with a locking door or , where interruption is unlikely or impossible. The sphincter (the cervix)is like a lock and emotions are the key. Positive beliefs and emotions like hope, trust, faith, security, and confidence open it easily while negative beliefs and emotions like doubt; anxiety and fear close or lock it.

Factors that close sphincters

1)These sphincters cannot be opened at will.
2)They do not respond well to commands (such as push! or Relax! ).
3) Even while opening, sphincter may suddenly close down when the person becomes upset, frightened, humiliated or self-conscious. Even a rough and uncompassionate pelvic examination can reverse a mothers cervical dilatation. The presence of a stranger in the delivery room, especially if that person is a male and not an intimate companion of the labouring woman, frequently (although not always) slows or stops
4) Fear and inhibition are known to make cervix opening difficult.
High levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream may prevent opening of the sphincters (sometimes, they actually seem to close the cervix).
Factors that help the Sphincters open during Labour :- Developing an understanding of sphincter Law is an important part of learning about the mind-body connection.
They open up only in atmospheres of familiarity, privacy, comfort ,intimacy or security.
A smile is good. A chuckle is better. A good belly laugh is one of the most effective forms of anesthesia.
Joking, storytelling, conversation, puzzle and arm wrestling are some of the ways to divert the mother from focusing on pain .
Women experience similar relaxation of the cervical sphincter with positive and loving words spoken during the most intense phase of labour. Because trust (secure feeling) is such a valuable and powerful feeling. It is important for pregnant women to be cared by people whom they trust. Love is another very powerful healing and easing emotion. Trust and love make relaxation possible.–INAMAY
Singing will maximize the ability of the bodys sphincters to open.
Slow, Deep Breathing aids the opening of Sphincters.
Immersion in warm water can also be very calming to a labouring mother. Holding our muscles stiff and rigid is very difficult while we are immersed in water.
How exercises, walking and household work help in normal delivery?
Walking, moving about and other household works makes all muscles stretched and relaxed.
Civilized citizens dont share their fears, doubts with others (however close they may be) as its against social norms. Its a kind of belittling act. Elders also are not aware of the stress of the mother beneath the cool mask she is wearing. Art of reassuring, relieving stress is totally unknown to them.
Acceptance of health problem for baby and mother is not these days as everyone is busy with one work. They should know that good of delivery is health of mother and baby and not made of delivery (normal delivery of c-section). Here normal delivery itself becomes the goal and acceptance of c-section is not there, mother becomes anxious and invariably lands up in c-section.

Acceptance of C-section

It is not wanting a c-section we need to understand c-section is not failure. Health of the baby is affected, then it is failure. C-section is a boon, at times of need. If c-section was available, many of our grannies would not have been lost during delivery.
Non-Acceptance of C-section:
People do not accept for 1) social 2) Health reasons.
Health issues like weight gain and back pain occurring after c-section is not true always. If the mother is active and keeps on watch a bit on her diet, she will not gain weight. If she takes calcium supplementation and keeps herself active, back pain is also not common.
When the mother does not mentally accept c-sectors most of the time she lands up in c-section and later also some complaints keep cropping up.
When a mother accepts c-section she is relaxed, cervix becomes favorable and normal delivery chances are more; even if she lands up in c-section, problems are less afterwards.
We need to understand, once our mothers are mentally + physically prepared well, with medical aid can give very good results.
We need to overcome fear of labour pain by knowledge + motivation.
Its different from other pains which are due to injury or illness.
It is a natural function, Hence harmless to both mother and mom. Labour pain is harmless and bearable. It is the fear of labour pain that is harmful and makes it unbearable.
Our medicines are only painkillers and not fear killers. So mere pain relief alone is not able to ensure normal delivery. (it is the fear, doubt and negative belief that result in cervical dystocia (Cervix not open), failure of descent or fetal distress resulting in c-section)
Elders are of the opinion, our mothers can not endure pain at all.
We need to understand that when we are aware of the reward we are willingly bear pain these days. Example Athletes doing hard practice; women having tattoos, wearing high heels, tight cloths, having eyebrows trimmed. Also we observe, the uterine contraction (which we call pain) is just a muscle action. Its like exercise of uterus. It does not act continuously; it contracts and relaxes; so it is not harmful to us or to the baby.
If the mother is well prepared to face labour (our medicines are available to shorten labour, to decrease the intensity of pain)
Getting her doubts cleared from the Doctor. Friendly hospital employees make the mother at ease and feel secure.
Accepting c-section when necessary, remembering sometimes emergency Section becomes necessary for baby. (Heart beat variation or baby passing motion Meconium staining in the womb). Mother must realize, accepting is not wanting it; she need not fear about it, rather welcome it as a boon. Any unnecessary remarks or strangers presence during labour make mother anxious or worried leading to cervical dystocia (Cervix not opening) Uterus not opening. Constant presence of an understanding birth companion, to reassure, and predict the progress will go a long way in ensuring easy normal delivery. During labour, upright position of the mother, standing or sitting position makes the contraction more effective, that is less pain felt and labour time is shortened, another important benefit is less incidence of fetal distress.
So a mother with proper physical and mental preparation with good rapport with the medical team can have easy and safe normal delivery.
It is not wanting c-section we need to understand c-section is not failure. Health of the baby is affected, then it is failure. C-section is a boon, at times of need. If c-section was available, many of our grannies would not have been lost during delivery.
Non-Acceptance of C-section:
People do not accept for 1) social 2) Health reasons.
Health issues like weight gain and back pain occurring after c-section is not true always. If the mother is active and keeps on watch a bit on her diet, she will not gain weight. If she takes calcium supplementation and keeps herself active back pain is also not common.
When the mother does not mentally accept c-sectors most of the time she lands up in c-section and later also some complaints keep cropping up.
When mother accepts c-section she is relaxed, cervix becomes favorable and normal delivery chances are more; even if she lands up in c-section, problems are less afterwards.
We need to understand, once our mothers are mentally + physically prepared well, with medical aid can give very good results.
We need to overcome fear of labour pain by knowledge + motivation.
Its different from other pains which are due to injury or illness.
It is a natural function, Hence harmless to both mother and mom. Labour pain is harmless and bearable. Its the fear of labour pain that is harmful and makes it unbearable.
Our medicines are only pain killers and not fear killers. So mere pain relief alone not able to ensure normal delivery. (its the fear, doubt and negative belief that result in cervical dystocia (Cervix not open), failure of descent or fetal distress resulting in c-section)
Elders are of the opinion, our mothers canot endure pain at all.
We need to understand that when we are aware of the reward we are willingly bear pain these days. Example Athletes doing hard practice; women having tattoos, wearing high heels, tight cloths, having eyebrows trimmed. Also we observe, the uterine contraction (which we call pain) is just a muscle action. Its like exercise of uterus. It does not act continuously; it contracts and relaxes; so it is not harmful to us or to the baby.
If the mother is well prepared to face labour (our medicines are available to shorten labour, to decrease the intensity of pain)
Getting her doubts cleared from the Doctor. Friendly hospital employees make the mother at ease and feel secure.
Accepting c-section when necessary, remembering sometimes emergency C Section becomes necessary for baby. (Heart beat variation or baby passing motion “ Meconium staining in the womb). Mother must realize, accepting is not wanting it; she need not fear about it, rather welcome it as a boon. Any unnecessary remarks or strangers presence during labour make mother anxious or worried leading to cervical dystocia (Cervix not opening) Uterus not opening. Constant presence of an understanding birth companion, to reassure, and predict the progress will go a long way in ensuring easy normal delivery. During labour, upright position of mother, standing or sitting position makes the contraction more effective, that is less pain felt and labour time in shortened, another important benefit is less incidence of fetal distress.
So mother with proper physical and mental preparation with good rapport with medical team can have easy and safe normal delivery.


Additives ,preservative,coloring,flavoring agent



Foods of animal origin

Foods that have been barbecued, broiled, fried, grilled, or otherwise cooked at high


Foods that have been browned or burned


Hydrogenated vegetable oils



Chemical Factors

Air pollutants such as asbestos, benzene, carbon monoxide, chlorine, formaldehyde, ozone, tobacco smoke, and toluene
Chemical solvents such as cleaning products, glue, paints, and paint thinners
Perfumes hair dyes, chemical household cleaners, nail polish remover, garden sprays, and paint fumes.


The recommendation was made that couples abstain from alcohol consumption at least one month before the attempt.for conception.
And one week prior to conception to decrease the rate of miscarriage.

Lap tops and Male fertility

Men sitting with their legs together and working on a laptop computer can rise the temperature by up to 2.8 degrees C

Table Salt

Inorganic sodium causes the body to retain fluid. High intake of this substance thickens and stiffens arteries and increases the risks of strokes, and cardiac failure. It accelerates the rate of renal functional deterioration. Sodium chloride draws calcium from your bones.

White Flour Products:

All the good substances (bran and germ) is removed from flour during processing.
White flour makes your blood sugar rise more than refined sugar.
Intestinal infections are a direct outcome of white flour consumption
Good quality fresh food is always the best source of nutrition

Lifestyle Factors

Habits like smoking, drug use, and high caffeine intake can severely impair fertility. There are many other lifestyle factors that contribute as well:

Exposure to toxins
Lack of exercise or too much exercise
High stress levels
Lack of sleep
Certain medications or supplements
Most lifestyle factors are also easy to fix with a little effort. The most common lifestyle factors that can increase fertility are:

Getting enough sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in production of many hormones. Studies have shown that women with low melatonin and serotonin levels have a shorter luteal pahse (time between ovulation and menstruation) and consequently have a lower chance of conceiving. Lack of sleep also impairs the body’s ability to properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol and insulin, making conception very difficult. Make sleep a priority and get enough to feel rested, not just awake. This may mean taking a nap during the day or going to bed a few hours earlier. A completely dark sleep environment may also help melatonin levels and sleep.

Minimize exposure to toxins: This should be a book in itself, but most women notice improvement from limiting exposure to household chemicals, plastic water bottles and conventional cosmetic and beauty products.

Recommended exercise for women trying to conceive:

Brisk walking, 5 times a week, for 30 minutes to 1 hour
1 hour sessions of yoga
Limit Stress
Check with your doctor to see if any medications you are taking could impair fertility. Steroids and antidepressants have been known to do so, as well as any other hormone containing or affecting medications.

Refined sugar

Refined Sugar is lethal for human consumption because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals, rendering it “empty”causes the development of a condition called insulin resistance. Obesity, type-II diabetes, polycystic ovary disease, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and hormone related cancers.

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