
Unlocking Natural Fertility Solutions for successful pregnancy and delivery - Amazing feedback

Introduction: Meeting Dr. Andal

I am going to share with you a fascinating pregnancy journey of an equally fascinating lady. You can also see her feedback in our ‘Talk to baby’ book.

Her name is Rajani. She is residing near Chandigarh at present. She was a dentist by profession before. Now she is a dietician and health coach. She is giving talks on various platforms. She has a YouTube channel too. She is a very good counsellor. She is very strong. She overcame so many hurdles successfully during her second pregnancy.

I knew her before, and she came to me during her second pregnancy. I gave her counselling on phone mostly, during that period. She once shared with me an interesting story about three people with suicidal tendency. After her counselling, the three became free from such thoughts and are doing well now. I felt very happy, and I am proud of her.

She recently shared her eventful and successful pregnancy journey with our would-be mothers in a counselling session. Better you read her fascinating story in her own words.

Infertility specialist in Nellore

Hi, this is Rajini. Actually, I practised as a dentist for five years. I used to attend medical camps as a dentist. I saw Dr. Andal madam in one of the medical camps. In villages, mostly new patients attend the camp. Villagers express their problems genuinely in their own style.

When I first saw her:

I saw Dr. Andal madam talking to them with so much patience and empathy. I had a very good feeling though I didn’t know her before. There were many doctors from different fields in the camp. But I always felt like talking to this Doctor only, because her way of dealing with patients captivated me. I wanted to have a good rapport with Dr. Andal madam.

When I first met her

I went to her place. She welcomed me with a usual affable smile and immediately kept a groundnut laddu in my hand. I didn’t understand, for a moment. “It has so much nutrition. When you attend this kind of camps, this will help you support yourself.”, she said. I felt really good, and I developed a positive impression on madam.

My first pregnancy:

After attending a few camps like that, we shifted to North India. It has been 19 years since we left. I already had a boy while I was attending the medical camps. Now he is 27 years old and happily married.

I didn’t plan for second pregnancy. Of course, I didn’t plan my first pregnancy either. I was still studying then. I had to struggle a lot. I had to be in hostel till 9th month. I faced many problems. I had to attend the college, I had to read, work stress, hostel food …

Somehow, I could manage everything during my first pregnancy. I delivered a baby boy, and it was a normal delivery.

SOCIETY: Infertility is a pet subject of sarcasm to society, making infertility couples social outcasts.
FAMILY: In the past joint family system was there, which gave a lot of moral support to the couple. Now with the nuclear family, for a word of reassurance, we need to seek the help of counselors or psychologists. Interpersonal relationships between husband and wife also can suffer due to infertility. Both of them need to express their feelings, understand, and offer mutual support.

infertility in women

My second pregnancy journey

Ever since I started planning for second pregnancy, I had a series of abortions. So, my journey abruptly ended like that. I had so much weakness too. Madam also advised me to take care of my health first.

After that we had moved to North India.

The turning point

After 5 years, Once I was on an unexpected journey. I had to travel from Chennai by train. I reached the station, got into the coach, found my seat. I was pleasantly surprised to see the person sitting next to me. It was Andal madam. See how fortunate I was. I really had goose bumps when I saw her again after five years.

I told her in detail what had happened in those five years. “I gave up my second pregnancy trial since I got vexed with abortions.”, I said. “No, no. you should plan a baby. You must have a baby.”, she started motivating me.

A seed of hope

She planted in my mind the seed that I should have another baby. I started thinking about it from then on. But I had a fear of abortion in me. So, I went back, I planned, and I got conceived. But I lost the baby in the 5th month. My hope got shattered.

“We don’t advice you for second pregnancy at all. You may lose yourself in the process. It is a complication.”, doctors said very bluntly. “You should have a second baby.”, what Dr. Andal madam told me was running in my mind. It was on 15th June that year, madam told me in the train.

I started recollecting what Dr. Andal madam told. These doctors are saying no. But Dr. Andal madam always says, “if your will is strong, you can achieve anything.”

The resolve

“I’ll have a baby by June 15 next year,” I decided strongly.

I called Dr. Andal madam and explained to her everything. “Madam, I have PCOD. It requires laparoscopic surgery. They say I am unfit for pregnancy.”, I told madam.

She said, “So what? Keep up your strong will. Be strong in what you desire. Do meditation, exercise, breathing exercise, yoga, and all. You will notice a big change in you.”

Wow, it’s a medical miracle!!!

Exactly after three months, I went for a scan, there in North India, near Shimla, that is where I was residing. The doctor checked my old and latest scan reports, and asked me, “Is this report really yours?”

I said, “Mine indeed.”

“Wow, it’s really a medical miracle. I have never come across a scan report like this in my entire life as a radiologist.”

She continued, “Previously your PCOD condition was so bad. It turned out to be normal now. Your ovarian follicles are quite healthy. What did you do? It is a medical miracle. You are blessed. You may conceive at any time.”

As she said, I got conceived in a few days. I shared the happy news with Andal madam.

The roller coaster

The journey was very tough. I had cervical stiches, so I had to lay on bed with my legs at 45o angle with the horizontal. I was in bed rest like this for 7 months till delivery. I was never short of confidence. All these were trivial compared to the wonderful gift I was going to have. I felt.

We didn’t have adequate facilities for gynecology patients in our place. I had to take instructions from madam about medicines and injections I needed.

Since madam was busy, we used to talk late nights, around 10.30. She would give guidance for the entire week, and I would note it down. A local nurse was there to help me out.

As months rolled by, I started getting fear, as previous abortion experiences haunted me. The fear was more when there was bleeding.

I would call madam immediately and madam would remind me about my DESIRE. “Your desire is very important. These things are too trivial to upset you. These are all simple tests you prove how strong your desire is.”, she would say.

The journey continued

As I mentioned before, we didn’t have proper medical facilities in our place. So, I couldn’t take the risk of having my delivery there. When I told Andal madam, she said, “Don’t take any risk. Go to hospital in advance, stay there, and get your delivery done.”

But my husband was afraid since I was on bed rest. He didn’t want to disturb me. Andal madam somehow convinced him.

So, we went to the nearby town for delivery. The doctor after observation told me, “Wait for 10 days. You may have normal delivery. You go and come back later.” But I was adamant. I didn’t want to go back to my place. We stayed in a hotel there till the delivery date.

The time has come, finally

The delivery day has arrived. My baby had a cord around its neck, low heartbeat, and some other complications. Due to this, my heartbeat also went down.

My baby’s heartbeat was down to 35 at some point. The doctor immediately called all the staff members to come to the operating theatre as it was a medical emergency. The whole situation was chaotic. But nothing perturbed me. I was so sure that I would deliver a baby and I would enjoy my motherhood.

“You can’t do anything. You have already committed to giving me a baby. So, I will be safe, and my baby will be safe.”, I was talking to God. I didn’t get disturbed even 1% though I was breathing with great difficulty.

In a few moments of time, we all heard the baby’s first cry. I was still conscious and active. That means, even the anesthesia didn’t work before my strong will.

“How can she be that sharp and bold, even in this chaotic situation?”, they were all confused.

My patience was tested to the hilt during caesarean, but nothing could intimidate me. I was simply smiling. I kept telling God that he didn’t have a choice but to give me a kid and I must enjoy the motherhood.

The doctor was telling my husband that evening, “If you had planned her delivery in your place and if she had faced similar situation there, it would have been disastrous. “It indeed was a medical miracle. I haven’t seen such a strong personality in my entire career.”, she said.

God gives what we ask

That is the positive impact of being resolute. Even the universe will have to listen to us, even God will have to. We are all his children. He must give us what we ask.

The more conviction you have over your desire, the more hurdles you face. No matter how many hardships you face, you must not backout or lose hope, you must not lose faith. People around us create stress on us, and when we take that stress into us, it will spoil our health.

Laxman Rekha

We must draw a very strong Laxman Rekha around us. When we allow any disturbance or stress to cross that Laxman Rekha, it will disturb our mind and health. So, we must draw a very strong Laxman Rekha around us so that no one or nothing can disturb us.

When we develop that kind of attitude, not just pregnancy, we can provide solutions to many of our family problems too. That is why I want every woman to be very strong.

The attitude that “I can”, has changed my professional life. If I have reached this stage in my life and achieved something, it is all due to my mental health process. Your thoughts will speak to millions of cells in your body, whether you don’t talk to others, whether you have a baby in womb or not. You think of something and leave it, but, that word reaches every single cell in your body.

If you think, “My life is like this. My health is like this. It won’t improve.”, every cell in your body also responds in the same way. Your health won’t improve. “Come what may, I am going to do this. My health will improve. It will.”, your cells will listen to it and act accordingly.

Talk to baby

While I was in bed rest and in distress, I would tell my baby in the womb, “This is my fear, you don’t take it. Nothing will happen. I am ok now. You don’t be scared. I take a great care of you.”

Prior to conception, when doctor told me, “Your follicles are good, you can conceive at any time.”, I felt happy. I went for an evening walk, looked at the sky, I believe in energy, So, I told my baby, “Baby, my body is ready. Come at any time. I am ready to give you 100% safety.”

I couldn’t give that safety to my baby three times before. So, I promised my baby that I would give it 100% safety. My conception happened just in a week, and things followed subsequently. So, I spoke to my baby when I had apprehension.

My son is how I wanted him to be

My second boy is such a loving one, and he is 17 years old now. He understands my feelings even before I disclose them. When I ask him, “How do you know it?”, he says, “I can make out, mom. I know your feelings.”

He has a motherly touch and a helping nature. He has all the qualities that I wanted him to have. Though I didn’t tell him a few things when in womb, he developed the qualities and attitude. I always want every boy to respect every lady, whether it is wife or mother or sister or friend or anybody in society. The respect and support my sons give to women is quite amazing.

infertility in women

Mother, a creator

You can think of qualities you want your son or daughters to have. You can transform your thoughts into reality. That is why people compare mother with God. You are the creator.

Rajani’s incredible journey is a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and the right guidance. Her story highlights the importance of mental strength and the positive impact of talking to the baby in the womb during pregnancy.

For those facing similar challenges, it’s crucial to seek the right support and medical expertise. If you’re in Nellore and looking for compassionate care, consider consulting with the Best Lady Gynecology Doctor in Nellore visit Dr, Andal lakshmi . Additionally, for those struggling with infertility, the Best Infertility Center in Nellore (Dr Andal Lakshmi fertility clinic)offers comprehensive solutions to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. Remember, with the right mindset and support, every challenge can be overcome.


Rajani’s incredible journey is a testament to the power of resilience, faith, and the right guidance. Her story highlights the importance of mental strength and the positive impact of talking to the baby in the womb during pregnancy.

For those facing similar challenges, it’s crucial to seek the right support and medical expertise. If you’re in Nellore and looking for compassionate care, consider consulting with the Best Lady Gynecology Doctor in Nellore , Dr Andal. Additionally, for those struggling with infertility, the Best Infertility Center in Nellore offers comprehensive solutions to help you achieve your dream of parenthood. Remember, with the right mindset and support, every challenge can be overcome.

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For more details you can go through our book “TALKING TO THE BABY IN THE WOMB – GARBHA VIDYA”. Which is available in different languages on our website and on Amazon

For online consultation contact:  9440278177, 9908854316

You can also go through our book which is available in 4 languages on Amazon Website.
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